We all need water for drinking, in agriculture, in nature, in industry, in households for energy and for pleasure. Everyone needs water in the right quantities and in the right places.
Water flows as surface runoff, in the upper soil layers, in the deeper-lying layers and into watercourses, lakes or the sea, and it transports substances. To ensure all water needs – even in the future with a changed climate – it is important to understand the water cycle.
The national nitrogen model
GEUS and Aarhus University have developed a national nitrogen model that can calculate the nitrogen’s transport and retention from soil to coast.
Read more about the national nitrogen model (in Danish).
The National Water Resources Model
The Nation Water Resources Model, the so-called DK-model, is a computer model describing the most important parts of the freshwater cycle, such as precipitation, evaporation, surface run-off, groundwater formation, drainage and groundwater discharge to watercourses, lakes and the sea.
Read more about the Nation Water Resources Model (in Danish).
Modelling of the water substance cycle
GEUS sets up models for the water cycle to quantify and qualify the freshwater resources and determine the impact of groundwater on surface water / the sea and assess the uncertainties.
Read more about modelling of the water and substance cycle (in Danish).
Hydrogeological field studies
GEUS carries out hydrogeological field studies to determine hydrogelogical parameters, characterise the interaction between groundwater and surface water, as well as between groundwater and saline waters, and to determine flow routes, e.g. in connection with substance transport. The field studies contribute to the establishment of solid water cycle models, because these require a good hydrogeological understanding of the system and knowledge of the correct parameters.
Read more about hydrogeological field studies (in Danish).