Inorganic chemistry laboratory is research laboratory equipped with a wide range of instruments to measure inorganic substances and dissolved organic carbon in water (soil, surface and groundwater) or extractions from soil and sediments. Furthermore, we prepare soil and sediment samples for X-ray analysis.
Handling of samples may be done in ordinary laboratory conditions or in controlled atmosphere, e.g. N2 or Ar.
- The key instruments in the laboratory are:
- Ion chromatography equipment with three different detection units (conductivity, amperometry and spectrometry)
- Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS)
- Total organic C and total N analyzers
- Flow injection analyzer (FIA)
- UV spectrophotometer
- Automated titration system for analysis of water samples and extractions
- Instrument for analysis of surface area and pore size of soil and sediment samples.
We also have equipment for preparing of soil and sediment samples for X-ray analysis.
Water samples
- Water quality: pH, conductivity, alcalinity, TIC, TC, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Mn, Cl, NO3-, SO2-, F, Br, and Si
- Agrochemicals: Ntotal, NO3-, NO2, NH4+, Ptotal, PO3-
- Organic carbon: NVOC, DOC
- Health and environment: iodine, iodate, As, CU, Ni
Soil and sediment samples
- Soil quality: pH, water content, loss on ignition, calcium carbonate, CEC, adsorbed cations (Ca, Mg, K, Na)
- Nitrogen and phosporus: nitrogen: NO3-KCl, NH4-KCl, fixed-NH4 and phosphorus: PNH4Cl, PNaOH, PHCl, Porganic, PBD, PH2SO4
- Iron and aluminium: FeAlCl3,FeCBD, Feoxalate, Fetotal, Fe2+ structural ferrous iron, AlCBD, Aloxalate
- Redox sensitive compounds: pyrite, structural ferrous iron and reduced compounds (Ce-method)*
- Surface properties: specific surface area (BET) and pore size
Ernstsen, Jørgensen, og Lynge (2005): Metode til analyse af reducerende stoffer I sedimenter. Miljøstyrelsen, Miljøprojekt nr. 2014 (In Danish).