The Core Laboratory carries out a range of petroleum related special core analyses as part of a variety of R&D projects as well as for industry clients. We analyze a wide range of rocks, but are particularly involved in the analysis of chalk, sandstone and caprock materials.
Tests are performed on a range of plug sizes as well as on full core samples. Our collaboration with the Danish Geotechnical Institute (GEO) has resulted in a unique integration of rock mechanics and special core analysis techniques that have proven particularly useful for chalk.
Experimental facilities include:
Conventional core analysis
Conventional core analysis is only offered as part of projects also involving more advanced analyses. Core characterization includes spectral core gamma logging, bulk density logging, porosity logging, and core photography. Conventional plug analyses include core plugging, sample cleaning (cold-flush, warm-flush and Soxhlet), and determination of porosity, grain density, fluid saturation and gas permeability (single-point and Klinkenberg).
Electrical measurements
Electrical measurements at room or overburden conditions to determine core conductivity and Archie parameters (resistivity index, formation factor, cementation and saturation exponents). Instrumentation includes electrical resistivity cells, computer controlled pumps, and a digital LCZ meter; a conductivity meter is available for formation water resistivity measurement.
Capillary measurements
Capillary measurements using the porous plate technique. Drainage and imbibition curves can be obtained at room or reservoir temperature and at overburden pressure, with samples mounted in single core holders. Mercury injection capillary pressure measurements (MICP) are available through a subcontractor.
Overburden measurements
Overburden measurements at room or reservoir temperatures to determine the effect of confining pressure on porosity, permeability and electrical properties.
Flooding experiments at reservoir conditions
Flooding experiments at reservoir conditions to determine effects on the petrophysical and mineralogical properties of the sample and/or effects on the pore fluid chemistry. Saturation effects are studied in 2 and 3-phase systems using water, oil and gas.The experiments are customized for the particular project. In general, the equipment can handle pressures up to 69 MPa (10,000 psi) and temperatures between 25°C and 125°C. However, for a limited number of applications the temperature range may be extended to 5°C to 150°C .
Permeability measurements
Specific and endpoint permeability measurements at a range of different conditions using different fluids. Permeability measurements are performed for a great variety of materials (chalk, sandstone, till, caprock, unconsolidated material, etc.). For cap rock material the entry pressure may be determined. Unconsolidated material may be analyzed for permeability and effective porosity. Mini-permeametry is also offered as part of our services.
Wettability measurements
Wettability measurements are performed at room conditions using Amott's test.
Whole-core measurements
A limited number of SCAL measurements can be carried out on sample sizes from 54 mm diameter (rock mechanics standard size) to 123 mm diameter and max. length 300 mm for confining pressures to 69 MPa (10,000 psi). Furthermore, for tests at overburden pressures up to 1 MPa (145 psi), a set-up for a sample size of 500 mm diameter is available. Unconventional sample geometries like prismatic and cubic samples can also be handled.
X-ray CT measurements
Sample screening and characterization by X-ray CT is offered for all rock samples and industrial porous materials through a subcontractor.
XRF screening
Semi-quantitative geochemical analysis is offered by application of our hand-held XRF analyzer.