Map of chemical groundwater analyses
Find groundwater measurements from the municipalities’ statutory reporting of groundwater analyses and bearings. Search for different substance groups, such as organic microcontamination, chlorophenols and pesticides, or for individual substances, such as nickel, copper and flouride.
The map cannot show the quality of your drinking water. For that, you will have to contact your waterworks.
See map of groundwater analyses.
Map of the hardness of drinking water in Denmark
Here you will be able to find information about drinking water hardness at the level of water supply areas of public waterworks in Denmark. The map is based on quality-assured data, extracted from the national well-database Jupiter in September 2023. For methodological details, please see the peer-reviewed data-article.
The hardness degree is based on the concentration of calcium and magnesium in the drinking water and has importance, for example, for the soap dosage when washing clothes: hard water requires more soap than soft water.
Drinking water hardness may vary considerably from location to location and in time. Contact your water utility company to get the updated and precise figures.
See map of drinking water hardness.
Map of nitrate in the groundwater
The map shows historical nitrate findings in the groundwater above 2 mg/litre, which is based on analyses of groundwater reported to GEUS. The map has two themes: a summarised map showing the mean values of concentrations found above 2 mg/litre in areas covering five by five kilometres and a more detailed map showing the individual findings in the individual wells.
The map shows many types of wells and cannot be used to assess the quality of drinking water.
See map of nitrate in the groundwater.
Groundwater reports
Here you can access to just under 8000 groundwater reports primarily focusing on groundwater mapping and action planning for the Danish groundwater environment. Most reports are geo-referenced and deal with topics such as groundwater mapping, abandonment of wells, examinations of well fields, vulnerability mapping, geophysical surveys and action plans.
The reports can be found on maps or by filling out a form with topics and localities.
Find groundwater reports on map.
Find groundwater report by filling out a form (in Danish).
Model database
Get access to digital geological models, hydrostratigraphic models and numerical groundwater models that are primarily from the Danish national groundwater mapping, which was concluded by the end of 2015.
An example of available data is a 3D geological maodel of thick sandy layers from Miocene found in large parts of Jylland. These layers contain large volumes of drinking water of good quality.
The models can be found in three layers: national, regional and local.
Visit the model database.
Buried valleys in Denmark - maps and data
Here you find maps of and data on buried valleys in the Danish subsurface. The valleys are filled with geological layers containing important occurrences of groundwater. By the end of 2015, a total 5600 km buried valleys have been mapped from 250 localities. You can download geological descriptions and reports of the valleys together with GIS files with data about the valleys.
The valleys are found at depth and are therefore well protected from contamination from the surface, but as the valleys are formed as tunnels in the subsurface they can also sometimes act as pathways for contaminants from the surface to deeper aquifers.
See maps of and data on buried valleys.