Geophysical borehole

GEUS offers geophysical borehole logging of interest in connection with a wide range of geological studies, e.g. within hydrogeology, raw materials and geothermal energy. Contact us if you want borehole loggings.

With our equipment, we can offer borehole logging to study the geology, hydrogeology and physical parameters, such as temperature and electrical resistance as well as flow rate and water chemistry. Borehole logging can also provide technical information about filter intervals and leaks in wells.

The logging equipment is mounted in a four-wheel drive, off-road laboratory van. GEUS can perform geophysical logging in boreholes down to 1000 m below surface and in drill pipes down to an inner diameter of 50 mm.

The different logging methods measure well-defined physical parameters of interest in connection with borehole surveys, such as hydrogeology, raw materials and geothermal energy. The parameters that can be derived from the various logging methods can be categorised according to the type of information obtained.

Geological information

For instance layer boundaries, layer types, layer sequences and porosity.

Information about flow and water chemistry

For instance inflow distribution in screened sections of boreholes or in open boreholes. Flow conditions during pumping, vertical flow in borehole with no pumping, inflow zones with different fluid conductivity during operation, location of saline zones and temperatures.

Technical information

For instance borehole diameter, casing length, filter sections, possible leas in casings or visual inspection of boreholes and formation.

The geophysical logging equipment includes the following probe types:

  • Gamma
  • Induction
  • Fokuseret resistivity
  • Sonic
  • Combined fluid conductivity and temperature
  • Flow
  • Calliper 

Learn more about probes and use of logs (in Danish).

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GEUS has among others conducted geophysical borehole logs in major research projects: