As a new employee at GEUS, you will go through an introduction programme to ensure that you feel confident handling your new tasks. You will also receive a checklist so that you and your 'intro buddy' can ensure that you will be introduced to all the activities. On your first day, you will normally have breakfast with the colleagues in your department, and afterwards you will be shown around GEUS and be introduced to relevant people and departments. You will also be assigned a colleague who will be responsible for your introduction. This ‘intro buddy’ will help you with the practical aspects of the onboarding and will be your ‘go-to person’ in the beginning. During the first five days, you will be introduced to your work tasks and receive practical information about flex time, registration of work hours etc. During the introduction programme, you will also learn about these areas:
When learning about the Organisation and culture , you become acquainted with GEUS’ vision, mission and strategy. You will also be introduced to the values and management foundation of the organisation.
Another important area is Safety and emergency procedures . This includes learning about data security and GDPR as well as safety in the workplace, including emergency procedures, directions and guidelines.
You will also be introduced to their Network , i.e. your nearest colleagues and other relevant colleagues and persons at GEUS.
When it is time to get to know theSystems , you will be introduced to mTIME, F2, the intranet, Campus etc.
It is important to know the Policies and guidelines of the organisation, so you will be introduced to relevant policies and guidelines as well as the staff policy, equality policy and health and safety policy.
When it comes to the Work area , you will be introduced to their work tasks. This includes reconciling expectations with your manager regarding skills.
You are introduced to the Department and if possible, the programme area . In addition, you are told about the department's work programme and current projects.
You also need to know about the Employment conditions , i.e. important areas such as flexible hours, holidays, how to call in sick, skills development etc.
You can read more about the introduction programme in our checklist for receiving new employees.