GEUS’ recruitment process

At GEUS, we recruit openly and internationally, and we regard diversity as an asset and as an essential resource. We therefore encourage all interested parties to apply for the vacant positions with us. Vacancies are advertised on relevant media - and as GEUS as a public institution is subject to requirements for the publication of vacancies, we do not accept unsolicited applications.

Our recruitment process in steps


Click on the blue dots to get more details.


Relevant documents


Research Training

GEUS contributes to the education of researchers at bachelor, master, PHD and postdoctoral level by offering research projects and supervision. Researchers at GEUS supervise students enrolled at the University of Copenhagen, Technical University of Denmark, Aarhus University and others, within our research areas. In 2017, 56 PHD students, 11 of whom employed at GEUS, received research training by GEUS staff.


How your data is processed

As mentioned, GEUS uses HR-manager as our recruitment system. You can withdraw your application at any time during the recruitment process, and correct or delete all your information and documents yourself. Alternatively, GEUS can correct or delete the material manually.

You are welcome to contact us if you have any questions about the recruitment process, including the processing of your data, at or tel. +45 38 14 20 00.

All applications are automatically deleted from HR-manager after six months. Everyone who has been involved in the recruitment is obliged to shred any printed material as well as delete material stored in their inbox, drives etc.

The material that GEUS is obliged to journal under the State Archives Act is journalized under these rules.